A singer who plays the acoustic guitar, a talented producer and rap artist whose words are positive and motivating. Baybrotha get’s his name from growing up in bay area neighborhoods in Richmond, Oakland, Berkeley and San Francisco, he left home at 12 and was lost in the streets as many of our young people today. But his vision, his deep passion for his people, and his gift of words, inspired him to be a voice of conscience.
Despite rapping for years, BayBrotha Akil released the (serious) cd in 2006 and made #3 on the garageband.com (currently ilike.com) all time rap charts. The serious album hit a chord with local leaders. The president of the 100 black men of Sacramento added the song “you’re a man now” to their website because of the powerful message to young black males. Akil was invited to speak at the Susan Taylor press conference Dec 2008 for the launch of her N. California cares mentoring movement.
Other performances include: the MLK day celebration 2009, the black expo gospel stage 2009, the NAACP 100 year anniversary award ceremony. Akil performed at Sacramento senator Darryl Steinberg’s “pass port to summer” youth event, the 100 black men’s “young male conference” in front of 900 young men and their families, and the Sacramento sweet potato festival where the host: Petri Byrd had BayBrotha Akil perform an encore.
Akil began the Home Grown Soul Show Aug 2008 at Marilyn’s in downtown Sacramento with a great team and a little bit of luck, the Home Grown Soul Show became the most successful weekly soul music showcase Sacramento has seen. Akil also hosted of the home grown soul radio show on v101.1fm. The mission of the radio show is to be a platform for independent artist to showcase their music as well as be the best place for soul music fans to find great independent soul artists.
Akil is active in the community and was appointed as an executive member of the Sacramento NAACP in 2011. Akil is the founder/president of Urban Fatherhood Network. Akil’s mission is to help repair and heal our communities by creating education & training opportunities, inspiring young people, and revitalizing our neighborhoods. Akil’s has been a volunteer with Sacramento Juneteenth, Inc. since 2010 and is currently the Creative Director for the organization.
In 2013 Akil Created and Produced the Promote the Peace Project where he produced Teen summits in partnership with former Senator Darryll Steinberg. in 2019, Akil founded The Work Agents and WorkAgentsRadio.com with the goal employing, training, and mentoring young men in destressed communities, and celebrate the positive contributions of our young music artist. Akil’s commitment to create opportunities and promote positivity has been consistent for many years and he plans to continue to help young people achieve success for themselves and their families.